Sunday, May 17, 2020

Innocents Transformed Into Monsters. Alexis Kirsch.Mrs.

Innocents Transformed into Monsters Alexis Kirsch Mrs. Trant Seventh Period 5/22/17 Are Monsters simply Born? Or are They Created? Serial Killers. We’ve all heard these words, but what does it mean? A Serial Killer is a person who commits a series of murders, often with no apparent motive, and typically following a predictable behaviour pattern. They tend have a cooling off period, and their reason for killing usually is for a sexual component. They have to kill at least three to five people to be counted as serial. A Serial Killer usually gets confused with Spree Killers and Mass Murderers, but these types of Killers are rather different. A Spree Killer is a person who kills more than one victim, spread out over†¦show more content†¦A Psychopath is born; a Sociopath is created. As a child is growing they start to portray certain characteristics; and if there’s a possibility that you’ll grow up to be Serial Killer there are four key characteristics that you’ll portray as a child. They’ll have Antisocial Behavior. Theyâ₠¬â„¢ll portray hostility and aggression towards others. They’ll exhibit Voyeurism. Voyeurism is the practice of obtaining sexual gratification by looking at sexual objects or acts, especially secretively; basically they’ll be an extreme peeping tom. A Serial Killer enjoys this because they are in control of a situation that you don’t want people to see. They’ll have a Love of Setting Fires. Once a child has a taste for setting fires there’s a high chance that they’ll become an Arsonist. A Arsonist is a Person who commits Arson. Arson is the malicious burning of another s house or property, or in some statutes, the burning of one s own house or property, as to collect insurance. And finally, they’ll love to torture and kill animals. It gives them a sense of control over a situation. The Mind Contributes to the Best and the Worst It’s hard going through life normally, but when you add a Mental Illness to the equation it gets even trickier. Mental Illnesses are disorders that make it hard to function normally in day-to-day life. With Mental Illnesses it can be hard to concentrate, you can see hallucinations,

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